• 36A PostÄ™pu st.

    05-552 Magdalenka, Poland

  • sekretariat@igbzpan.pl

    tel. +48 22 736-70-00
    fax +48 22 756-16-99

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    Institute of Genetics and Animal Biotechnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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    INPEX 2016
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    Brussels Innova


Librarian: Danuta Siwiec, e-mail: d.siwiec@igbzpan.pl, tel. 22 736-70-00

At the beginning of 2016 the book collection numbered 14243 publications, including 7,218 books and 7,025 volumes of bound periodicals. The titles of 46 foreign periodicals were collected as well as 54 Polish. The publications collected cover a wide range of biological sciences with special attention paid to the breeding and husbandry of farm animals, genetics and physiology as well as the developmental biology of birds and mammals.
The library offers access to two data bases containing scientific information in the field of biology and agricultural sciences (Current Contents for Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences and Life Sciences). Moreover, the Institute has a direct access to the electronic versions of scientific periodicals published by Elsevier, Springer and Wiley-Blackwell, as well as to EBSCOhost and Thomson Reuters bibliographic bases.
The library offers direct access to its collection or through the system of inter-library loans.

Starting from 2010, researchers of the Institute have the opportunity to make use of Virtual Science Library (www.wbn.edu.pl) including the ISI Web of Knowledge platform. The access is from the publisher’s website (http://isiknowledge.com). Users also have access to the Journal Citation Report (JCR), which, amongst others, publishes Journal Impact Factor (http://isiknowledge.com/jcr), as well as EndNote Web (www.myendnoteweb.com) and Researcher ID (www.researcherid.com).