The project has received European Community research funding 
Centre of Excellence in Genomics, Biotechnology and Quality of Animal Products in Sustainable Production Systems with consideration of Animal Welfare

The Centre is operated by the Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding of the Polish Academy of Sciences and is financed by the Seventh Framework Programme for research and technological development (FP7) of the European Union within the Research Potential theme. The project will be realised in the years 2009-2012.
The CoE ANIMBIOGEN in EU is a continuation and development of the Centre of Excellence in Genomics and Biotechnology Improving Functional Traits of Farm Animals and Quality of their Products – ANIMBIOGEN operated by the Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding PAS in years 2003-2006 and financed by the Fifth Framework Programme (FP5) of the European Union
Research focus of the Centre:
- animal breeding
- sustainable animal production systems
- quality of food of animal origin
- animal welfare
- functional genomics
- reproductive biology
- biotechnology
- nutrigenomics
- development of basic tools and technologies, including: transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics, modern statistical methods
Planned activities:
- Exchange of know-how and experience by twinning, networking and two-way secondments of staff with European partner institutions
- Recruitment of incoming experienced researchers
- Organisation of international conferences and workshops
- Cooperation with the International Advisory Board of the Centre
- Acquisition, development and upgrading of research equipment
- Promotion and dissemination acitivites
- Establishment and intensification of cooperation with SMEs and industry including participation in Technology Platforms