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Recruitment rules for the Doctoral School

Recruitment rules for the Doctoral School of Animal Sciences and Food Safety




  1. This document defines the rules of recruitment procedure for the Doctoral School of Animal Sciences and Food Safety, hereinafter referred to as the “School”.
  2. The School was created jointly by the Institute of Genetics and Animal Biotechnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Jastrzębiec (IGAB PAS) and the National Veterinary Institute - National Research Institute in Puławy (PIWET-PIB), being Consortium Partners.
  3. Recruitment to the School takes place in the following scientific disciplines: (1)animal science and fisheries – IGAB PAS and (2) veterinary medicine - PIWET-PIB.


  1. The following person may be admitted to the Doctoral School:
    1. Polish citizen;
    2. a person who is not a Polish citizen, hereinafter referred to as a “foreigner”.
  2. The persons indicated in para. 2.1 must have a proven command of English at least at B2 level (certificate or graduation diploma).


  1. A person who has a master's degree, engineer, medical doctor, veterinarian or equivalent may be admitted to the School.
  2. In exceptional cases, justified by the highest quality of scientific achievements, a person who is a graduate of first degree studies or a student who completed the third year of uniform master's studies may be admitted to the School.
  3. In the case of a diploma confirming the completion of studies abroad, a person who has such a diploma may be admitted to the School if it is equivalent to a Polish diploma of uniform master's studies or second-cycle studies, in accordance with applicable regulations.




  1. The recruitment procedure for the School is conducted through a competition.
  2. The condition of entering the competition is submitting by the applicant for admission to the School, hereinafter referred to as the “Candidate”, a complete set of the required documents referred to in para. 6.1 and 6.2;
  3. In accordance with the principle of equal rights and obligations, a disabled person applying for admission to the School is subject to the same recruitment procedure as the other Candidates.
  4. The recruitment procedure for the School will be conducted twice, that is for the academic year 2020/2021 and for the academic year 2021/2022, with the possibility of supplementary proceedings.
  5. The recruitment procedure includes:
  1. assessment of the current academic achievements of the School Candidate, on the basis of submitted documents,
  2. a presentation by the Candidate of his research interests,
  3. interview, which is to show the Candidate's knowledge of the higher education program, in conjunction with the Master's thesis (if he prepared) and in the discipline in which the Candidate intends to prepare a doctoral dissertation.
  1. The recruitment procedure may be conducted using electronic means of communication.




  1. The recruitment procedure takes place independently in each of the two scientific disciplines in which education is provided at the School. Recruitment takes place through a competition on equal terms and with the same criteria for the evaluation of candidates for both Consortium Partners.
  2. One Candidate may apply only to the education path within one discipline in a given academic year.


  1. A person applying for admission to the School is obliged to submit to the Registrar’s office of the selected Consortium Partner an application to the Director of the Consortium Partner for admission to the Doctoral School and indicate the scientific discipline in which he wants to apply to the School.
  2. To the application referred to in para. 6.1, the person applying for admission to the School must attach:
  1. description of research interests,
  2. a photocopy of the copy of the diploma of uniform master's studies or second-cycle studies or equivalent studies, or in the case referred to in para. 3.2 of the first-degree diploma or certificate confirming the completion of the third year of uniform master's studies or equivalent studies; in the case of a diploma/certificate issued abroad - also its sworn translation (by a sworn translator from the list kept by the Minister of Justice or a foreign sworn translator), the foreign diploma/certificate and its sworn translation made abroad must also bear an apostille or legalized in accordance with the provisions universally applicable; a document (photocopy, original for inspection) confirming the recognition of a foreign diploma, in accordance with applicable regulations, as equivalent to a Polish diploma of uniform master's degree studies or second-cycle studies or in the case referred to in para. 3.2 - completing first-cycle studies; a person who does not have a uniform master's degree or second degree diploma at the time of recruitment submits a certificate of completion of these studies, and the documents referred to in para. 6.2 point b - enclose immediately after obtaining them, but not later than until the commencement of education at the School.
  3. CV signed by the Candidate;
  4. information on scientific activity, in particular: scientific publications from list A, other peer-reviewed scientific publications, chapters in monographs, grants, distinctions and awards for scientific work, documented work in scientific associations, participation in scientific conferences, internships, local government activities , etc.;
  5. consent to the processing of personal data according to Annex 1a or 1b.
  1. The recruitment procedure includes: assessment of the candidate's current academic achievements, assessment of the scientific presentation of research interests and interview.
  2. The basis for qualifying for admission to the School is the number of points obtained by the Candidate as part of the qualification procedure. The rules for awarding points for individual elements of the qualification procedure for the School are set out in the detailed qualification rules in Annex 2 “Questionnaire for the evaluation of the candidate for the Doctoral School”.


  1. A person applying for admission to the School is required to provide the necessary personal data and consent to their processing to the extent necessary for the purposes of the recruitment procedure, and in the case of admission to the School, also for the purposes of education at the School, in accordance with the internal regulations of the Consortium Partner.
  2. When a given person is admitted to the School, the data referred to in para. 7.1, will be made available to the Consortium Partner being the Leader and will be further processed in accordance with the provisions in force in this respect at PK for purposes related to education at the School.
  3. All personal data of Candidates for the School are processed and stored for the purposes of the recruitment procedure at the Consortium Partners in accordance with applicable regulations and are protected.


  1. Failure to comply with the formal conditions set out in § 6 and § 7 results in leaving the application for admission to the School without consideration and results in the exclusion of the applicant for admission to the School from further recruitment.
  2. Incomplete applications or applications for admission to the School, together with a set of required documents, submitted after the deadline contained in the recruitment announcement, shall not be considered, regardless of the reasons for not complying with the application deadline. The date of receipt by the Registrar’s office of the Consortium Partner.


    1. Candidates whose doctoral scholarship is financed from external funds (grants), including programs and undertakings established pursuant to Art. 376 of the Act of 20 July 2018 Law on Higher Education and Science, by the minister responsible for higher education and science, in order to implement the state's scientific policy, are subject to separate recruitment, carried out in accordance with the relevant legal provisions, other regulations and programs regulating the allocation of these funds.
    2. In the case of recruitment in the manner indicated above, the head of the research project financed from external sources (grant), in consultation with the Head of the School, announces the recruitment and places the following information on the School's website: 1) description of the project; 2) the list, date and manner of submitting documents; 3) place and date of the interview; 4) the date of announcing the recruitment results.
  1. The interview is conducted by the Recruitment Committee appointed in accordance with the relevant provisions of law, other regulations and programs regulating the award of external funds (grants).
  2. The rules for recruiting a Candidate in the manner described in § 9 may be modified and adjusted to the rules of cooperation with the entity providing the financing.




  1. Recruitment proceedings at the School are conducted by Recruitment Committees.
  2. Recruitment Committees conducting recruitment for education at the School within individual scientific disciplines are appointed by the Directors of the Consortium Partners.
  3. If at the recruitment stage a candidate for a promoter or an assistant promoter who is a member of the Recruitment Committee is known, then during the recruitment of a Candidate to the School whom he intends to be a promoter or an auxiliary promoter, such a member of the Recruitment Committee shall be excluded.
  4. The composition of the Recruitment Committee referred to in para. 9.1 include:
    1. The Chairman, holding the academic title or academic degree of habilitated doctor (polish: doktor habilitowany) or Doctor of Science (DSc), elected by the Director from among the employees of the Consortium Partner;
    2. at least three employees of the Consortium Partner, holding the academic title or academic degree of habilitated doctor (polish: doktor habilitowany) or Doctor of Science (DSc)
  5. Other persons invited by the Chairman of the Recruitment Committee as an adviser may also participate in the Recruitment Committee meeting, without voting rights.
  6. Members of the Recruitment Committee are required to maintain impartiality and objectivity in the assessment of Candidates for the School.
  7. The Recruitment Committee decides on the basis of average grades calculated on the basis of grades issued to the Candidate for the School by all members of the Commission participating in the meeting.
  8. The Recruitment Committee creates a ranking list of Candidates for the School in a given discipline.
  9. The sessions of the Recruitment Committee shall take place in the presence of at least half of its members entitled to vote.
  10. Decisions of the Recruitment Committee are taken by an ordinary majority of votes.
  11. Meetings of the Recruitment Committee are recorded and signed by the Chairman and Members of the Recruitment Committee present at the meeting.
  12. After the recruitment is completed, the Chairman of the Consortium's Recruitment Committee provides the Leader with the report on the meeting of the Recruitment Committee and all information necessary to report on the activities of the Doctoral School to the competent authorities, including the POL-on system.



  1. The limit of admission of people to the School is determined by agreement of the Directors of the Consortium Partners no later than 1 (one) month before the recruitment announcement.
  2. The date of starting and ending recruitment for the School, including the deadline for submitting documents and proposed research topics are announced on the websites of the Consortium Partners (www.igbzpan.pl and www.piwet.pulawy.pl).


  1. If the number of persons applying for admission to the School in individual disciplines is greater than the limit determined in accordance with para. 10.1, shall be admitted persons who in the course of the recruitment procedure obtained the highest number of points until the limit of admission to education in individual disciplines has been exhausted.
  2. If the number of persons applying for admission to the School in individual disciplines is greater than the limit determined in accordance with para. 10.1, those who obtained the highest number of points during the recruitment procedure will be accepted up to the limit of places in individual disciplines.
  3. Candidates who are recruited in the manner described in § 9 are not included in the admission limit to the School.


  1. If the number of people applying for admission to the School in individual disciplines will be smaller than the amount determined in accordance with para. 10.1 admission limit, all persons who obtained the minimum number of points entitling to admission to a given education path will be qualified for admission..
  2. The minimum number of points entitling to admission to the School is 50 points.
  3. If, after recruitment to the School, the admission limit determined in accordance with para. 12.1 will not be exhausted, additional recruitment may be carried out.
  4. The Consortium Partner's director may announce supplementary recruitment beyond the set limit of places for:
  1. managers, contractors or persons recruited to carry out research projects, provided that funding for the doctoral scholarship from the project is provided for at least 36 months of school education and funds for the implementation of scientific research;
  2. other persons on the basis of contracts between the Consortium Partner and other entities, provided that the doctoral scholarship is financed for at least 36 months of education at the School and funds for the implementation of scientific research.
  1. The dates of additional recruitments are determined by the Director of the relevant Partner of the Consortium to which supplementary recruitment applies.


  1. The results of the recruitment procedure are public.
  2. Admission to the School takes place by means of entry on the list of doctoral students by the Head of the Doctoral School of the Leader after receiving the recruitment results from the Recruitment Committee.
  3. The administrative decision on refusal of admission to the School is issued by the Director of the Consortium Partner after receiving the recruitment results from the Recruitment Committee.
  4. In the event of refusal of admission to the School, the Candidate has the right to submit an application for a re-examination of the application by the Recruitment Committee.
  5. The basis of the application referred to in para. 13.4 may only be a violation of the School Recruitment Rules.
  6. The place of announcement of the results of the recruitment procedure are:
  1. Consortium Partners websites (www.igbzpan.pl and www.piwet.pulawy.pl);
  2. Registrar’s office of the Consortium Partners running the School.







      1. The recruitment schedule is set by the Director of the Consortium Partner acting as the Leader and communicated annually by 31 July.
      2. These Recruitment Principles, the recruitment schedule and the dates of supplementary recruitment are made public by announcing them on the websites: www.igbzpan.pl and www.piwet.pulawy.pl. They may also be made public using other media.