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    Institute of Genetics and Animal Biotechnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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    INPEX 2016
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    Brussels Innova



• Dozens of novel polymorphisms of SNP or InDEl type were identified in bovine genes -candidates for molecular markers of cattle milk or meat performance. Associations were established between polymorphisms of genes encoding GH, GHR, STAT5A, PIT, LEP, ERα, DGAT1, MEF2D with milk or meat production traits of cattle. Several functional mutations were found in the regulatory and coding regions of bovine candidate genes. These polymorphisms were shown to influence biological properties of coded proteins, e.g. their binding to DNA (STAT5A), or binding of ligands (GHR, ERα); show relationships with hormone secretion and their blood levels (GH, GHR, IGF1) or with gene expression in respective tissues and organs (caseins, PRL, STAT5A, LEP, MSTN, MEF2D, MEFA).

Publications: Maj el al. 2006 – Meat Science 72, 539-544; Flisikowski el al. 2007 – Biochemical Genetics 45, 139-143; Bagnicka el al. 2010 – Journal of Dairy Research 77, 37-42; Zwierzchowski el al. 2010 – Czech Journal of Animal Science 55, 227-233; Juszczuk-Kubiak el al. 2011 – Molecular Biology Reports 38, 1269-1276; Juszczuk-Kubiak el al. 2013 – Czech Journal of Animal Science 58(6), 262-269; Adamowicz, Flisikowski el al. 2006 – Mammalian Genome 17, 77-82; Jank, Zwierzchowski el al. 2006 – Journal of Animal and Feed Science 15, 381-391; Maj el al. 2008 – Neuroendocrinology Letters 29, 981-989; Sadkowski, Jank, Zwierzchowski el al. 2008 – Journal of Applied Genetics 49, 237-250; Szreder el al.2008 – Molecular Biology Reports 35, 65-71; Juszczuk-Kubiak el al. 2012 - Molecular Biology Reports 39(8), 8387-93.


• Using microarray technology and bioinformatics differential gene expression profiles were shown in cattle breeds differing in milk and meat production – Hereford, Limousin, Polish Red and Holstein-Friesian. The comparative expression profiles in liver and skeletal muscles showed down- or up-regulation of tens of genes between the breeds. Analyzes showed alterations in previously unrecognized gene networks of lipid metabolism and endocrine system function, myogenesis and energy-generation pathways. Combining gene expression results and biological databases information, our findings provide a description of metabolic regulation accompanying individual development that may underlie the phenotype differences between cattle breeds. For the first time changes were estimated in expression rates of several genes (e.g. IGF1IGF2GHRMRF, MEF2C) in cattle ontogenesis.

Publications: Sadkowski, Jank, Zwierzchowski el al.  2009 – Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 60, 15-27; Sadkowski, Jank, Zwierzchowski el al. 2009 – Journal of Applied Genetics 50, 109-123; Lisowski el al. 2013 -  Animal Genetics, 45(2), 288-92; Lisowski el al. 2008 - Journal of Applied Genetics 49(4), 367-372; Robakowska-Hyżorek el al. 2010 – Biochemical Genetics 48, 450-464; Juszczuk-Kubiak  el al. 2014 – Meat Science 98(4), 753-758.


• A role of the kidney in the recirculation of iron in heme oxygenase 1-deficient mice showing dysfunction of the reticulo-endothelial system was demonstrated that may be relevant in several pathologies associated with accumulation of iron in kidney. Haemolysis is an additional pathogenic factor in a mouse model of Menkes diseases and provides evidence of a new indirect connection between copper deficiency and iron metabolism.

Starzyński el al. 2013 – Biochemical Journal 449, 69-78; Lenartowicz M, Starzyński R., el al. 2014 – PLoS ONE 9, e107641.


• The use of bovine hemoglobin as a dietary source of heme iron was found to efficiently counteract the development of iron deficiency anemia in piglets. Our results revealed a concerted increase in the expression of genes responsible for apical and basolateral heme transport in the duodenum of piglets fed a heme-enriched diet.

Staroń et al., PLoS One, 2017  ;12(7):e0181117t


• We showed for the first time that the use of animals overexpressing both SOD1 and SOD1G93A genes is mandatory for studying iron metabolism in ALS animal models. We identified Hmox1, encoding heme oxygenase 1 (HO1), an important oxidative stress responder, which was found to be induced solely in mice overexpressing human mutated SOD1G93A gene and only in tissues known to be affected by ALS. Gajowiak et al., Front Mol Neurosci. 2016; 8:82.

• With use of expression microarrays it was shown that the chronic stress influences gene expression profiles in some structures of mouse brain, mostly genes involved in in cognitive processes and neurodegradation. Chronic stress also results in permanent methylation of some genes, which may disturb cognitive processes and initiate neurodegradation.  These changes in gene expression level could be due to epigenetic regulation (e,g, DNA methylation) mostly in hypocamp and prefrontal cortex – key structures in learning capacity and controlling the mood.  It is known, that overexpression of some genes could be related to etiology of Alzheimer disease in humans. Therefore, these results may appear important in early diagnosis of mood disorders and neurodegradation in humans.

Publications: Lisowskel al. 2013 - BMC Neuroscience 14(1),144; Stankiewicz el al. 2013 - Brain Res Bull 98, 76-92; Lisowski el al. 2012 - Journal Molecular. Neuroscience 47(1), 101-112; Lisowski el al. 2012 – Molecular Neuroscience 50(1), 33-57, Lisowski el al. 2011- Neuropsychopharmacology 21(1), 45-62.