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    05-552 Magdalenka, Poland

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    Institute of Genetics and Animal Biotechnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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    INPEX 2016
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    Brussels Innova
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    The work of the IGAB PAS team was published in Nature Biotechnology, IF 33,1


Position – Professor of the Polish Academy of Sciences


Field of interest-  genetics, animal breeding, organic cattle breeding, milk and beef properties


Scientific achievements ca. 139 publications, 64 papers from JCR list. Author and co-author of 11 books and monographs. Total citations ca. 244. Hirsch index – 9.


Selected scientific achievements:

1.Development of the cattle slaughter performance assessment method on live animal and chilled carcass based on computer image analysis of the animal's body shape and assessment of the carcass muscularity and fatness, according to the EUROP system, and MLD cross section.

2.Co-author of the implementation guide for improving the dietary value of milk produced on low-cost and ecological farms by modifying the composition of pasture and meadows sward.

3. The vitamins A, β-carotene, E, K2 and D3 and TAS content in milk has been doubled during the winter feeding period after supplementation of the cows' diet with the addition of flaxseed oil. These values were significantly brought to their levels from the pasture feeding period. In milk of the supplemented cows was also observed significantly changes in the quantity and quality of milk fatty globules, which have a positive effect on the improvement of the milk technological usefulness  for cheese production.


Realized research projects – Performer of two grants within the frame of European Research Area (ERA) and one within the frame of Horizon 2020:

1. Grant within the frame of CORE Organic Plus: “Towards preventive health management in native dual-purpose cattle adapted to organic pasture based production systems via novel breeding strategies based on novel trait recording”. Grant is being realized in 2015-2018  

2. Grant within the frame of ERA NET Susan: “Increasing productivity, resource efficiency and product quality to increase the economic competitiveness of forage and grazing based cattle production systems”. Grant will be realized in 2017-2021

3. Grant within the frame of the call H2020-SFS-2016-2017 (Sustainable Food Security – Resilient and resource-efficient value chains):”Genomic management Tools to Optimise Resilience and Efficiency” (GenTORE) which will be realized in 2017-2020.


Organizational activity, dissemination and others

Representative of IFOAM EU in the consultative committees of the DG-Agri EU: beef, pork. Expert on ecological animal husbandry in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MRiRW) Commission on granting research projects for Organic Farming. Vice-Chairman of the Association of Organic Farming Forum, bringing together scientists, certifying companies and organizations involved in this field of agriculture. He has taken abroad research internships: Germany (1985-1986), France (1993), Czech Republic (2014). He conducts training in the field of Simmental cattle breeding in cooperation with MODR Płońsk and the Austrian Union of Simmental Cattle Breeding in Zwettl.


Selected publications and patents:

  1. SAKOWSKI T., Kuczyńska B., Puppel K., Metera E., Słoniewski K., Barszczewski J., 2012 - Relationships between physiological indicators in blood, and their yield as well as chemical composition of milk obtained from organic dairy cows. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2012; 92: 2905–2912.  IF 1.56
  2. Puppel K., Kuczyńska B., Nałęcz-Tarwacka T., , Gołębiewski M., Kunowska-Slósarz M., Będziński A., Grodzkia H. 2014 – Effect of fish oil and linseed supplementation on the protein composition of milk from cows with different β-lactoglobulin phenotypes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2014; 94: 1253–1257, IF 1.56
  3. Puppel K, Kuczyńska B., Nałęcz-Tarwacka T., Gołębiewski M., SAKOWSKI T., Kapusta A., Budziński A., Balcerak M., 2016: Effect of supplementation of cows diet with linseed and fish oil and different variants of ß–lactoglobulin on fatty acid composition and antioxidant capacity of milk. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016; 96: 2240-2248, doi: 10.1002/jsfa.7341, (35 pkt.,IF 1,889).
  4. Średnicka-Tober D., Barański M., Seal C.J., Sanderson R., Benbrook C., Steinshamn H., Gromadzka-Ostrowska J., Rembiałkowska E., Skwarło-Sońta K., Eyre1 M., Cozzi G., Krogh Larsen M., Jordon T., Niggli U., Sakowski T., Calder P. C., Burdge G.C., Sotiraki S., Stefanakis A., Stergiadis S., Yolcu1 H., Chatzidimitriou E., Butler G., Stewart G., Leifert C. 2016: Higher PUFA and n-3 PUFA, conjugated linoleic acid, α-tocopherol and iron, but lower iodine and selenium concentrations in organic milk: a systematic literature review and meta- and redundancy analyses. British Journal of Nutrition, 115(6), 1043-1060, Q1,  35pkt,  IF 3.453, doi:10.1017/S0007114516000349
  5. Średnicka-Tober D., Barański M., Seal C.J., Sanderson R., Benbrook C., Steinshamn H., Gromadzka-Ostrowska J., Rembiałkowska E., Skwarło-Sońta K., Eyre1 M., Cozzi G., Krogh Larsen M., Jordon T., Niggli U., Sakowski T., Calder P. C., Burdge G.C., Sotiraki S., Stefanakis A., Stergiadis S., Yolcu1 H., Chatzidimitriou E., Butler G., Stewart G., Leifert C. 2016: Composition differences between organic and conventional meat: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis.  British Journal of Nutrition. 115(6), 994-1011, Q1,  35pkt,  IF 3.453. doi:10.1017/S0007114515005073

